Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stay Away From These Foods!

Here is an interesting article my roommate came across. I immediately went to my cupboard and threw away my microwave popcorn!

It basically says avoid

1. Canned tomatoes
2. Cord-fed Beef
3. Microwave popcorn
4. Non-organic potatoes
5. Farmed salmon
6. Milk Produced with Artificial Hormones
7. Conventional Apples

It gives reasons in the article. It's says that some potato growers would never eat the potatoes they sell! Yikes!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Big Brother Big Sister

I'm going in for an orientation in January to become a Big Sister to a Little Sister! I am so excited I can't hardly wait! I'm going to be the best Big ever! Any ideas as to what me and my Little should do for fun?

I'm thinking: Biking, rollerblading, shopping, swimming, scrap booking, movies, fun places to eat!

I don't want my Little getting into drugs and skipping school!

Can't wait!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Don't drink bottled water twice!

No more bottled water! If you buy a bottle of water, don't reuse it. Especially avoid plastics with the numbers 3,6 and 7 on the bottom. But just to be safe, just don't reuse plastic containers. Also, don't microwave food in plastic or put plastics in the dishwasher. The heat may cause chemicals to leach out. Now just think about it, where do they store water bottles? Steaming hot warehouses? Oh great! Just get a cup and use a sink will ya!?

Anyways, once you drink your 5 dollar bottle of water, throw the bottle away.

Keep hoping forward without bottled water in your life!

I Make a Good Point

I just read this article that really struck home with me. Here we are raising money for breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, etc. We are raising a TON of money to find a cure for these diseases, but what we really need to do is find what's causing these nasties. We need to prevent these diseases from ever happening in the first place.

Here is the article I read:

What are we eating? What are we cleaning with? What are we exposing ourselves to? I read in an opinion article in the NYT that the risk that a 50-year-old white woman will develop breast cancer has soared to 12 percent today, from 1 percent in 1975. (Some of that is probably a result of better detection.) Younger people also seem to be developing breast cancer: This year a 10-year-old in California, Hannah, is fighting breast cancer and recording her struggle on a blog.

Okay, so now-a-days everything causes cancer. Since so many things supposedly cause cancer now, maybe we're just giving up on caring? No! Don't give up on living healthy! Just stay away from microwaves, use vinegar to clean you house to avoid those nasty cleaning chemicals, and for heaven's sake, DON'T SMOKE!!

That is all. Continue hoping forward!


First post!

Not sure what this blog is really going to be about yet, but everybody else is doing it!